Sunday, December 25, 2005

my Jewishness.

They've never been able to categorize me before, I don't know why they thought they could do it now. User Test: The Orthodoxy  Test.

Left Wing Modern Orthodox: 15%
Right Wing Modern Orthodox: 49%
Left Wing Yeshivish/Chareidi: 61%
Right Wing Yeshivish/Chareidi: 29%

This means you're: Huh?

What does it mean?
I give up. What are you?

Comparison Summary:
Of the 1875 unique test takers...
For: Left Wing Modern Orthodox
76% scored higher, and 22% scored lower.
The average Raw Score is: 30.3, your's was: 12.

For: Right Wing Modern Orthodox
75% scored higher, and 23% scored lower.
The average Raw Score is: 46.3, your's was: 36.

For: Left Wing Yeshivish/Chareidi
44% scored higher, and 54% scored lower.
The average Raw Score is: 40.3, your's was: 43.

For: Right Wing Yeshivish/Chareidi
44% scored higher, and 54% scored lower.
The average Raw Score is: 24.0, your's was: 23.


traintalk said...

My working hypothesis is that Huh means leaving at least one too many questions out of the result. I was Huh too when I answered truthfully but I think the hypothesis will work even if not one's own changing(version of the) truth.

DAG said...

Looks like you are inbetween lefta nd right wing yeshivish/ charedi...i came out as a pretty solid right win modern

rockofgalilee said...

I read it as between left wing yeshivish and right wing MO

DAG said...

you are closer to mean scores in charadei