Tuesday, July 12, 2005

kissing a smoker

They say that kissing a smoker is like licking an ashtray.
I've never kissed a smoker on the lips, so I'm going to take the saying at face value.

I was thinking about this as I brushed my teeth last night and wondered, "Is kissing someone who just brushed their teeth like licking someone's toothbrush?
Would kissing someone who just drank milk be like licking an udder?
Would kissing someone who just ate steak be lick biting a cow?

Something to think about.


Oleh Yahshan said...

I want to know who the fool is who actually licked an Ashtray.. otherwise how would we know what one tasts like..

Anonymous said...

Sim where do you come up with this stuff

stillruleall said...

D'ya think it works backward? If you lick an ashtray is it like kissing a smoker? It could be like Bacos, a way for religous single people to experience whats out there without breaking halacha. If its a clean ashtray, would it be like kissing a non-smoker? Is this a male or female smoker?

Veev said...

Ask Golda

Just Shu said...

has golda licked an ashtray?

rockofgalilee said...

I don't think so, but I don't think she's ever kissed a smoker.

Veev said...

No, I mean about kissing someone who just brushed his teeth!